Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Through the Woods

I snapped these shots during this photo shoot. The nature was so plentiful. Why not take some shots while you have the chance!? Embrace these few photos!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blast from the Past!

I just redid the blog again. When I get bored that's what I do. I guess I am bored a lot. Pretty soon I won't have my computer, so don't plan on too many posts. This is the design for this summer! I hope you enjoy it!

Here's a blast from the past!

Look #1:

Look #2:

Look #3:

and....Look #4: (as you can see I changed my color scheme)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

One Sunny Spring (Summer) Day...

Get ready to see many many pictures of Megan and Taylor. We took this fun photo shoot at my dad's field (which has a PERFECT barn for photography!). This photo shoot was a blast. I hope you have a blast looking at all the photos! 

I just love those pictures with the dandelions blowing. Hey! Why not try it myself! I love the results.

It is fun to try different angles! The angle can be everything to get a good picture!

(favorite picture of Taylor)

I also captured some fun shots!

Here is a no trespassing sign. How lovely!

(my favorite of Megan)

Then we found this rusty wall.......

I tried really hard to get a snapshot of all the bees, but they moved too fast. This is the best I could do. Can you find it?

(This picture is a little too sunny, but oh well!)

Do you have a favorite? If you do, please share!