Monday, January 20, 2014


One day while I was taking pictures at this barn an idea hit me! 
I will take a summer, fall, winter, and spring picture of the barn at the same spot every time! 

Soo....I started with my first photo this past summer: 

Then early fall: 

Next late fall:

 Now winter:

I don't know about you, but when I look at them I think winter is the's just so dull. Summer looks much better with all the colors.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Sorry it's been so long. I have been MIA for a week or so because school has been crazy busy, BUT here I am with the winter wonderland pictures I promised in this post! 

These little birdies are my favorite...

Join me on Monday for another post....a pretty cool one. I promise I won't forget. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's Mighty Cold Over Here!

The mighty coldness caused a few snow days! Yay! Hopefully soon I will have a few pictures of the winter wonderland over here! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Washington D.C. and Gettysburg

I have been missing from this blog for about a week because I was off traveling around the country! Not really....we went to Gettysburg (they have some great scenery there) and Washington D.C. (I also captured some pictures there). We also squeezed in Hershey, PA in there as well. Here are pictures of our trip!

First Gettysburg - here's a look at the battlefield....

Now Washington D.C....this little dude was at a museum. He was very welcoming. 

These next two pictures were taken inside the capitol building. 

The Washington monument....

and our last stop - Arlington National Cemetery

(photo credit: everyone in my family who took pictures)