Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully all of you have a fabulous day filled with turkeys & family. Today is the day we share our thanks because we have so much to be thankful for!

First, here are 6 things I am thankful for...

my house (especially on days like today - just look at that snow!)...

trees that give me oxygen so I can breath...

skies that are more than just blue...

bowls, plates, forks, and spoons that make eating much easier...

my alarm clock that wakes me up every morning...

and of course - my camera!


Mandie and Megan are thankful for smiles...

 Mandie is thankful for her dog...

 Megan is thankful for hot water + 5 tablespoons of this mix...

 Megan is thankful for craft time...

 Megan is also thankful for being thankful!

Thank you SO much to the readers who participated in "Share Your Thanks" and made it happen. If you did not get a chance to send in a picture and wish to share your thanks just leave a comment below! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Share Your Thanks!

For thanksgiving this year let's share what we are thankful for through photography! Take a picture of what you are thankful for and send it to me, so I can share all of them on my blog on Thanksgiving! It is November 18 today, so you time is running out! You have 9 days, 216 hours, 12960 minutes, and only 777600 seconds to send in pictures (starting at midnight tonight) if you want to get them in the day before Thanksgiving! 

Sooo readers......get your cameras out and starts clicking!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

25 Day Photo Challenge

I am making up my own 25 day photo challenge. This is going to be a countdown 'til Christmas! I will be starting on December 1.....I am not promising that I am going to remember everyday, but I'll do my best. I know it's only November 17, but you can never know too early! 

I hope you stay tuned!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Snapshots Saturday {Gerbera Daisies}

I love capturing the little things!

(I took these pictures way last spring...I just forgot to post them)

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I think it was time to freshen up this blog a bit with a new design. I don't know about you, but the other one was getting old. I hope you enjoy the new look! Here's a blast from the past....

Design #1:

Design #2:

Design #3:

Design #4:

Design #5:

Snapshot Saturday {Pinecone}

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Delicious Fall Treat

This past week I tried a new recipe - pumpkin cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting! Even though this is not a food blog I am going to post these anyway. I took pictures of them, so I can put them on my blog. Take a peek!

For the recipe, click here.